شرکت بازرسی کیفیت و استاندارد ایران

Customer Market Research

Complications of customer satisfaction of organizations

Analyzing the root causes of the organization’s customer satisfaction is a method to discover the root causes of dissatisfaction, problems and inconsistencies in a process in order to identify and improve its weak points. In this way, the root of dissatisfaction can be known and permanent solutions can be proposed to prevent the repetition of these cases and finally the effectiveness of the desired corrective action can be examined. According to the research conducted in this field, a very small

ارزیابی رضایت کارکنان

Evaluation of customer satisfaction

The customer and market research unit of Iran Standard and Quality Inspection Company, with a 15-year experience in this field, provides a variety of services, including modeling and designing research tools, continuously measuring the customer satisfaction, improving the customer satisfaction index with the help of follow-up and customer care plans, as well as problem solving the causes of customer dissatisfaction. Undoubtedly, paying attention to the customer satisfaction index is the cornerstone of a dynamic business and will continue its success

پیگیری مشتریان FU

customer follow-up

In today’s world, customer follow-up is an integral part of product and service delivery. Considering the two-way interests of the organization and customers, it is necessary to follow up after providing the product or service in order to keep customers loyal and increase customer satisfaction. Customers should not be abandoned after receiving goods or services. Two-way communication with the customer is on the planning board of organizations, and the necessary expenses for this and satisfying customers and making them loyal


Marketing and sales

Based on the needs of its partner companies and relying on its capabilities, the customer and market research unit has defined a comprehensive service for marketing and selling services and products. Currently, and based on the past efforts, the experienced marketing team of this department has been active in the marketing and sales projects of car services, emergency services, car body insurance and liability insurances, and has provided various projects in the field of product sales. To define telemarketing, we

تحقیقات بازاریابی

marketing research

Marketing research is a process that connects the organization to the market through the collection of information. The information obtained from the market research, along with your experience and the knowledge of the managers, is their guide in making the right decisions. The purpose of conducting market research in the past was to find ways and methods to increase the sales volume of companies. After some time, this view improved and the goal of market research and marketing became to

Market Research
Complications of customer satisfaction of organizations
Evaluation of customer satisfaction
customer follow-up
Marketing and sales
marketing research
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